William Joseph "Bill" Bratton CBE was an American law enforcement officer who served as the Boston Police Commissioner the Los Angeles Police Commissioner and again as the New York City Police Commissioner. Bill Bratton began his police career with the Boston Police Department before becoming Police Commissioner in New York City where his "Zero-Tolerance" policy has been credited with reducing petty and violent crime. He moved to Los Angeles Police Department in 2001 reforming the police after the 1992 Los Angeles Riots and crime was reduced. Bratton's policing style is influenced by the "broken windows theory" that if minor petty crime is not dealt with crime will increase at all levels within society.
Bill Bratton was approached by the former British Prime Minister David Cameron to become the Metropolitan Police Service Commissioner in July 2011 but this was blocked - Bill Bratton instead was offered an "advisory role" to the British government which he accepted in August 2011.

Neil Cooper FCA Accountant Former Partner Kroll Associates Inc and Zolfo Cooper
- "Criminal Suspect" - FBI Los Angeles Carroll Anglo-American Corporation Trust Case

Scotland Yard leaked sources have revealed that Neil Cooper a former senior partner of Kroll Associates and Zolfo Cooper conducted what well seasoned Wall Street New York observers have described as a "criminal administration regime" of the Gerald J. H. Carroll Trusts worldwide interests in his capacity as the High Court "appointed trustee" with complete legal responsibility for this case.

Zolfo Cooper LLP Registered in England No. OC340361 = the insolvency and restructuring firms former principle partner Neil Cooper FCA accountant is confronted with serious ongoing criminal allegations of conspiracy to defraud racketeering and obstruction offences surrounding the Queen's bankers Coutts & Co Strand London Gerald J. H. Carroll fraudulent accounts and the forged and falsified HSBC Private Banking offshore banking arrangements Barclays International offshore accounts "directly linked" to Carroll Anglo-American Corporation Trust "dummy offshore corporations" which effectively impulsed the embezzlement and criminal liquidation of the Carroll Foundation Trust worldwide interests.
Sources close to the FBI and Scotland Yard Specialist Operations Directorate have confirmed that Neil Cooper conspired with the = HIGH VALUE SUSPECTS = classified as Britain's most dangerous white collar crime syndicate in the ongoing criminal liquidation and embezzlement of over $1,000,000,000 (One Billion Dollars) of Carroll Foundation Trust worldwide assets and liquid funds. Further sources have said that Mr Cooper conducted what can only be described as a = CRIMINAL ADMINISTRATION REGIME = of the Gerald J. H. Carroll Global interests in his capacity as the = HIGH COURT APPOINTED TRUSTEE = with complete legal responsibility.
HM Treasury Whitehall leaked sources have disclosed that compelling criminal evidence dossiers implicating Neil Cooper are = HELD IN CUSTODY = at Scotland Yard and the FBI also surrounding the G. J. H. Carroll forged and falsified Revenue & Customs tax returns linked to the forged HSBC Holdings Plc Carroll Trust Corporations. The UK Insolvency Service "in concert" with the Royal Courts of Justice = HIGH COURT APPOINTED = official retains a further complete = LOCKDOWN = of the Gerald J. H. Carroll forged signatures specimen exhibits and Carroll Trust Corporations forged and falsified filings at UK Companies House.

HSBC Holdings Plc Chairman Mark Tucker LOCKDOWN Carroll Anglo-American Corporation Trust National Security PublicInterest Case Spanning The Globe:
Main Investments Gibraltar Gazette Section 203A(2) Carroll Trust National Security Case:
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